martes, 11 de mayo de 2021

Post 4: What's like to study psychology?

Hiii guys, welcome to my new post on my blog, have a good day <3 

I study psychology at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Chile, nowadays I'm in the 1st semester of the 2nd year of the career.

The truth is that choosing this career was quite an "odyssey" for me hahaha. I was convinced to study medicine for 7 years, but it was because of the pressure from my social environment and family. They used to tell me "you're intelligent, you should study medicine", "you have good grades, study medicine", etc. As I was doing well in the scientific subjects I became convinced that medicine was for me hahaha. But I always found humanist subjects very interesting. When I had a subject called "psychology" I began to doubt what I really wanted to study.

In the last semester of my last year in school I questioned myself a lot about what I should study, I even considered studying theater, but I finally decided to study psychology<3 I decided to study this career because I see myself in the future practicing as a psychologist, it's something that really excites me. I want to help a lot of people, I want to understand them, and support them so that they can have a better life in different fields. I think the work we do as psychologists is very important to society, because mental health problems are growing :(

Clearly studying online is not the way I thought I would study haha, it was something very unexpected. There are days when I see the benefits of studying online and other days I only see how bad haha, sometimes it is complicated because of the connection to wifi: sometimes I drop the signal or I get stuck with classes. Even though I don't have many complications I'm convinced that for many other people it's really complex and distressing to study via online, and that depresses me quite a bit:(  I would also love to see my college classmates and friends and to have a "normal" college life. I hope to do that when the contagions go down and the pandemic is over.

Thanks for reading, see you on the next blog, have a very good week, xoxo<3

6 comentarios:

  1. I love your notes and your room where you study. <3

  2. I hope we can have a normal college life soon :( Fan of your Studygram <3

  3. Hi Conii, I love your room and your organization, I think that your studygram is great

  4. hi baby, I love your desk and your stationery, I admire your organization


Post 8: English Language Challenges

  Hi guys welcome to my new post on my blog! Have a good day<3 Learning English at university has been a challenge hahaha, since I was li...