martes, 25 de mayo de 2021

Post 5: My Future Job

Hi guys welcome to my new post  on my blog! Have a good day<3

I'm a pretty indecisive person :( I'd like to work on a lot of things haha. For example I'd like to work as a psychologist but I still don't decide in which area specifically (I like educational, social, legal and clinical psychology haha), I'd also love to have my own cafeteria, it's one of my dreams<3 I'd also like to be a professor at a university!! (so many things :0)

I think most of my options would be indoors, though maybe educational, social psychology and the cafeteria can be done outdoors. In any of those jobs I would like to travel a lot, my idea is to be always learning new things and that can be achieved very well while traveling. On salary I don't have much expectations hahaha, I think that since I will work on more than one thing at a time, I will win "fine", but the future is uncertain.

About what specialty I want to study, it's complicated haha, right now I like a lot of things and I think over the years I'll realize what kind of psychologist I want to be. All I want is to be able to help people, be happy with what I do and achieve my goals. I think I can achieve my goals if I organize well, I go slow but safe, study a lot and I am constant / persevering (and a bit of luck would be fine hahaha).

Thanks for reading, see you on the next blog, have a very good week, xoxo<3

6 comentarios:

  1. Hii Coni!! OMG something similar happens to me, I am very indecisive and I like everything haha, I really understand you

  2. I hope you can fulfill your dream of working in the place you want, greetings

  3. Hello, I hope you can fulfill all your dreams, even that of having a cafeteria, success in everything <3

  4. Hi Conii, I like your post, I hope your dreams come true

  5. Good work. When you talk about salary you don't use the word win, you say earn or make a good money or salary


Post 8: English Language Challenges

  Hi guys welcome to my new post on my blog! Have a good day<3 Learning English at university has been a challenge hahaha, since I was li...