lunes, 21 de junio de 2021


Hi guys welcome to my new post on my blog! Have a good day<3

I am studying psychology at the University of Chile, I like it, but I would make some changes to improve the university career.

In relation to the study plan, I would change the curriculum. For example, I would leave 1 semester of statistics and not 2, because I think that this subject can be passed in only one semester, in fact the teacher always finishes his clases before he's supposed to hahaha. I would also fix the system to choose elective courses, because very few people are satisfied with the classes they are given, and it is sad to take electives that you don't really want.

On the other hand, the truth is that the academic load seems good to me, I feel that the Faculty of Social Sciences is quite aware in that sense and they seek the mental well-being of the students, giving weeks of recess and being flexible. As for the duration of the career, it seems good to me, it is neither too little nor too much haha.

Unfortunately I have not been able to have face-to-face classes at the JGM campus, so I cannot comment much on infrastructure :(, I just know that it has a great gym! I think that being able to have online classes has been favorable for those people who have good technological material, good family / economic situation, etc. But it has also been unfavorable and unfair for those people who do not have good social / economic conditions to study, it is really sad :(

Finally, I liked the teaching method that it's been used in some courses, the use of capsules and texts for the classes seems good to me, and I also like that the classes are recorded, because sometimes I can not attend all :(

Thanks for reading, see you on the next blog, have a very good week, xoxo<3

miércoles, 16 de junio de 2021

Post 6: Postgraduate Studies

Hi guys welcome to my new post on my blog! Have a good day<3 

Reading my blogs you may have noticed. that I am an indecisive girl HAHAHAHA, I'm really sorry.

I think that doing a postgraduate is very important, I really want to do one because I love to be constantly learning new things (especially things interest me). 

I would like to do a postgraduate degree related to the career I am studying (psychology), but I still have not decided well on what specific subject, because I believe that eventually, after I study more courses of the career I will be able to decide better. 

I would also like to do a postgraduate degree abroad, specifically in Spain, perhaps on legal psychology, perhaps clinical, perhaps social or educational ... I'm really not sure hahaha as I said, clearly I haven't decided yet.

I would like to study and live in Spain for as long as I am studying there, I feel that Spain has very good universities and I see potential in several postgraduate courses, apart from being a very beautiful country full of incredible places!

I have realized that these blogs make me think a lot about what I want to do in the future and that makes them interesting ahahaha, but it also generates me a bit of anxiety :( I feel that everything is very uncertain and I hope I can reach all my goals!!

And I hope that you (person who is reading this) can fulfill all your goals and dreams 💛

Post 8: English Language Challenges

  Hi guys welcome to my new post on my blog! Have a good day<3 Learning English at university has been a challenge hahaha, since I was li...